Earlier this morning I noticed that a 2016 piece on the value of hobbies and avocations during stressful and anxious times (link here) was getting a lot of hits via Google classroom. Apparently an instructor decided to share that post with their students. I hope they are enjoying it!
It reminded me that, if anything, the message of the 2016 article is even more significant today. So, I collected a handful of earlier pieces on hobbies and avocations, in hopes that they will inspire readers to find healthy activities during these challenging times.
And hey, I’ll share! One of my hobbies is singing, including an enthusiasm for karaoke. We’re doing it mostly online these days due to the pandemic. It’s not as good as singing face-to-face, but the triumph is that we’re enjoying our hobby at all these days. In any event, if you’d like reassurances that one needn’t sound like Sinatra to borrow from his songbook, I’m sharing a short video clip of yours truly warbling out one of his classics a few months before we faced the pandemic.
OK, dear readers, here are some pieces to check out for inspirational purposes. Click the titles and enjoy!
The importance of hobbies and avocations during stressful and anxious times (2016)
Targets of workplace bullying: Pursuing healthy, immersive activities away from the job (2015)
Our avocations and hobbies: The third pillar of work-life balance? (2012)